Text Wrap Options Msword For Mac


Click the “Wrap Text” button in the Alignment group to cancel the word-wrapping option. This button is marked with two rectangles and a curved arrow.

Hi Chris, By default, if text does not fit into a textbox, the textbox will display text as the first picture shows. However, when set the CanGrow property to False, the textbox will only display the first line of text. So, do you mean you need to change this behavior to display the last part of text as the third picture shows? If so, one workaround is using the Right() function in expression to get only last several characters and display them in the textbox. If it is not what you need, please point out and post a sample so I can provide you further assistance. For more information Report Expressions, please see: Thanks, Tony Chain. Hi Chris, Thank you for your explanation.

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As the example you posted, do you stored the address with newline format in the database and display the address with the format exactly in a multi-line textbox? Shortcut for forward in word. When a line in the multi-line textbox is too long, you need to truncate is rather than add an extra newline, correct?

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