Mac Keyboard Shortcut For Going Forward In Text

Result Windows Mac OS Increase/Decrease size/scale by 1% Ctrl+. [period] or, [comma] Command+. [period] or, [comma] Increase/Decrease size/scale by 5% Ctrl+Alt+. [period] or, [comma] Command+Option+. [period or, [comma] Move selection* Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow key Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow Move selection by 1/10th* Ctrl+Shift+ Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow Command+Shift+Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow Move selection by 10 times* Shift+Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow Shift+Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow *Amount is set in Edit > Preferences > Units & Increments (Windows) or Adobe InCopy > Preferences > Units & Increments (Mac OS). Result Windows Mac OS Enables the Position tool in text Esc Esc Normal horizontal scale Ctrl+Shift+X Command+Shift+X Normal vertical scale Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X Command+Option+Shift+X Increase/Decrease text point size Ctrl+Shift+>////.

Mac Keyboard Shortcut For Going Forward In TextFor

Shortcut For Forward In Word

Below is the complete list of Mac keyboard shortcuts and the last column explains which app you can use this shortcut since all shortcuts can’t be used in all.